Beatification of Patriarch Estephan Douaihy: File Submitted

The requester of the cause for the beatification of Patriarch Estephan Douaihy, Father Paul Al Azzi stated, "After completing the correction and printing of the file honoring the venerable Patriarch Estephan Douaihy regarding the miracle of healing, we submitted the file in multiple copies to the Synod of Saints this morning. It was received by Monsignor Jean-Paul Ritsuti, the head of the office responsible for accepting the claims, to be distributed to the Eminences the Cardinals for review and voting on it in a session called 'Ordinaria dei Cardinali’.

The Congregation will set a date for this session, and then the results will be presented to His Holiness the Pope,” he added.

On this occasion, we accompany the session of the Cardinals with our prayers, asking the Lord, through the intercession of the venerable Patriarch Estephan Douaihy, to celebrate his beatification in the near future,” he concluded.