Al-Rahi Advocates for Peace, Urges Unity and Action in Sunday Mass

During Sunday's Mass at Bkerke, Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi presided over the ceremony, with the presence of bishops, priests, and political dignitaries.

In his sermon, the Patriarch lamented the global prevalence of violence and suffering, attributing it to the pervasive state of sin. He condemned the ongoing tragedy in Gaza, denouncing the silence of world nations and advocating for the Palestinian people's rights, as outlined in UN Resolution 181.

Concerning Lebanon, al-Rahi stressed the imperative of avoiding further conflict and swiftly electing a president to uphold constitutional governance.

He expressed optimism regarding initiatives like the National Moderation Bloc and the efforts of the Quintet Ambassadors Committee, expressing gratitude for their endeavors.

Acknowledging recent events like International Women's Day and Teacher's Day, the Patriarch commended the roles of women and educators, emphasizing their significance in society and pledging support from the church.

Al-Rahi urged collective action to address economic challenges and called on political leaders to prioritize national interests over personal and sectarian motives, underscoring their responsibility for the country's stagnation.

In conclusion, he urged prayers for healing and called for unity in seeking divine intervention for the betterment of humanity.