
The official website of the Kataeb Party leader
Monday 12 June 2023 11:43:25
Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rai announced that "The fathers will listen to a summary of the meetings of the patriarchal envoys with the Christian, Sunni, Shiite, and Druze representatives."
"The Patriarchate is equally distant from all the candidates," Al-Rai emphasized during the opening of the Maronite Church Synod.
"The goal was to consult with these representatives regarding the election of a president for the Republic after eight months of vacuum in the state, and to emphasize to the envoys the need to conduct the election with a spirit of democratic consensus, away from tensions, conflicts, hostilities, and divisions," he indicated.
"Running for president and nominating are democratic and constitutional rights," he pointed out.
Al-Rai considered that respecting the dignity of candidates is a fundamental ethical right for living together peacefully, with trust and cooperation for the sake of our unified nation.