Macron Receives Walid Jumblatt at The Elysee Palace, Confirms France's Commitment to Resolving Lebanon’s Crisis

French President Emmanuel Macron received at the Elysee Palace in Paris, former MP, and Cabinet Minister Walid Jumblatt, where talks centered on the prevailing political situation in Lebanon.

According to the Elysee Palace statement, Macron affirmed that France remains fully committed, through its envoy to Lebanon Jean-Yves Le Drian, to finding a solution to the crisis that is weakening the country, in close cooperation with Lebanese officials and coordination with international partners.

Macron also renewed his call on all Lebanese political parties to assume responsibility for getting out of the current impasse.

He stressed as well France's full commitment to averting the risk of escalation due to the rising tensions on the Blue Line between Israel and Lebanon, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1701, and France's historic adherence to the security of Lebanon and the Lebanese.

In this context, Macron underlined continued support for UNIFIL and France’s participation in it, reiterating that France will continue to provide the Lebanese army with the needed assistance to preserve Lebanon’s stability.